Paddle Articles

Your novice season - soak it in

To everyone who is a novice outrigger have no doubt received countless months of attention from coaches and thoughtful open paddlers. You have broken down paddling barriers you previously thought impossible ("you want me to paddle HOW far?"). You have pushed your limits and done so for your teammates, your team, and yourself. You have become a paddler!

So, as your novice season gets close to completion, my advice is simple.

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How to poop on race day.....yep!

Ok, so maybe you’re looking at this and thinking, really? A blog on pooping? Yes, because we all do it, it’s a natural occurrence and we all have had our moments on race day when the clock to the race is ticking and your stomach is not cooperating with the event. Yes, pooping is a topic that people tend to run from.

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The race weekend hangover

post paddle race(If you liked, "an oc6 paddler on race day", consider this the humorous follow up)  - So, maybe the title is a little misleading, though the beer garden or after-party for some could make it true. But sometimes after a long day at the beach, in the canoe, and journey to the far-off place called ‘the race site’, we can feel pretty beat up, scarred, chaffed, dehydrated and haggard. A little hungover if you will. So allow me to share some of those post-race whinings and whimperings many of you are possibly feeling in between checking all the FB photos, race results, and looking up what D.O.M.S. means.

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An OC6 Paddler on Race Day

Something special is about to take place! But are you really ready to experience it?
This coming Saturday marks a very special day for outrigger canoe paddlers in California. With logistics being figured out, alarm clocks being set, and paddles set by the front door, it will certainly be on everyone’s mind as we get closer. Race season for many will begin. And for the first-time paddlers, so will your paddling career!

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A paddler begins

One day….My best friend introduced me to the sport of Outrigger canoe, he used to talk about it all the time. I have always loved sports but I had never paid attention that outrigger even existed. His passion for the sport got me interested and I decided to give it a try one day.

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